Friday, April 20, 2012

Wilderness Hideout

O.K.  ~so at dinner last night my 15 year old son asks, "So Mom, what have you been posting on your blog lately?" A great question and one that I could not answer right away. I stumbled on about how I had been so busy and that I really hadn't been inspired to write lately. Then I shut my mouth, realizing that I was making up excuses to appease him when in reality I should have just said, "Good question."

Setting up and writing this page was a New Year's resolution for me. I never really had an inkling that anyone would read it-what did I have to offer anyway- but I had decided that this would be a great place to archive our farm's history, gather recipes and other tidbits and maybe somewhere along the road I could work on me. I was pleased when you all started following me and I loved the feedback, suggestions and conversations about what I was posting. Thank you for that!

I have been walking around in the wilderness and need to get some focus. I am going to get out of my own way and stop making excuses. Just like any resolutions, by the time March rolls around, I usually forget what mine were. So, here is my new resolution to myself and my readers...

I'm coming out of my wilderness hideout and write at least one post a week. 

Oh, and to my son- thanks for caring so much about what your old mom is up to. I love you!


  1. Sometimes it takes someone else to open our eyes for us. Glad you're gonna keep writing!!

    1. Thanks so much Dianne! Onward and upward!

