Friday, July 20, 2012

Dish Soap- One More Sign of Preparedness

                                                     Homemade Dish Soap

It appears that I am slowly closing in on very few trips down the detergent aisle at the grocery store. I have learned how to make soaps and shampoo, laundry detergent and dishwasher detergent. All of which are successful and pleasing to use! I kind of have to giggle (maybe it's more like a moan) when I think back on all of the money I have poured out on brand names. I wonder when I became of a frugal mind? Well, whenever it happened, I sure am glad it did.

Today I made a delightful looking, feeling and smelling dish detergent soap for those pesky dishes that I have to wash by hand. I had all of the ingredients on hand and it was super simple.


1 1/2 cup hot water
1 tbs. Ivory bar soap
1 tbs. white vinegar
1 tbs. Super Washing Soda


1. Shred 1 tbs. Ivory bar soap

2. Combine ingredients into bowl.

3. Pour in hot water.

4. Whisk mixture until all ingredients are blended. Keep whisking until the Ivory has melted.

5. Let sit out for 8-10 hours. Stir now and again. (I found that every time I walked by the bowl, I just gave it a few stirs).

6. Transfer to a bottle that will serve the purpose of storage. It could be a recycled detergent bottle, or some other container that would work for you.

There are lots of different essential oils that you might consider adding to this soap. The oils won't just make it smell good, but some will add an extra kick to the bacteria that is laying around in that sink load of dishes.  Happy Cleaning!!!



  1. Thank You Miss Sarah! You are the cats meow!

  2. Thank you, Rusty! PPPuuurrrrrr......
