Sunday, February 3, 2013

So, This Is What Cabin Fever Looks Like

Cabin fever, spring fever, I don't know what you call it, but I have got it bad!

I had to go to the barn today and fill up three plant pots with soil. I didn't HAVE to... oh heck, who am I trying to kid~yes I did. As I thrust my hands into the bag of soil I immediately relaxed. All my cares and worries of the past six months were eaten alive with the smell of the dirt. I took my gloves off and sat down on the floor of the barn.

My epiphany: I have to garden all year round for my peace of mind. (I wonder if I can get a doctor's note for that.) I know that my living in Maine makes that a tricky thing, but I have to figure this out. For my own good as well as everyone who has to put up with me!

I filled up the three pots and sat looking at them. Drawing patterns in the earth with my fingers, I stopped and allowed myself to be amazed. I'm going to take this dirt into the house and plant some lettuce seeds, which will grow on my windowsill, and in a few weeks, I will have the beginnings of nourishment directly from my own kitchen. Does the miracle of growth not leave you awe stricken?

I grow sprouts all winter, and I try hard to keep many of my fresh herbs alive and available throughout the off-season, but it is time to look into more than that. Stick with me Constant Reader, as I travel down the rabbit hole and research growing food indoors from November to March. Not with the added costs of grow lights or expensive tables and watering systems. Just guided by the grace of God as He gives me more directions on providing for my family.

Oh, and a final shout out to Punxsutawney Phil and his weather forecast yesterday. Dude, you rock! Thank you for the early spring, but make sure to telephone your relatives around me here in Maine and remind them to stay far, far away from Sarah's Eden!

Garden On~

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